Friday, May 09, 2008


Oh, today was one of those days. I was sitting in my office when the secretary got a call from the gym. The gym teacher was calling because she had-not one, not two, but three kids having simultaneous meltdowns. I headed to the gym to get them, but I picked up the social worker as backup along the way. I've never dealt with three kids at once, so there was no way I was going in alone.

Two of the kids responded badly to receiving strikes in class. My school has a positive behavior support that involves a strike system. It's basically a "3 strikes and you're out" system. The kids need to stay strike free in order to win a reward on Friday. Well, it all boils down kids not being able to handle disappointment and setback. They have no resiliency. I have to figure out a way to reach these kids and get them to handle negative situations in a positive way. It has happened time and time again. A kid gets a strike, he doesn't feel that if is fair, and he has a meltdown that includes crying, immobility and a refusal to talk. Now the situation is worse because the immobility usually disrupts something like a class change. So I get called in.

I ended finding out what the issues were. If these kids could handle a setback, then they would have been able to move on and the strike would have been a single incident. Instead these situations ended up turning into a 30 minute ordeal. I think I know what my assignment over the summer is going to be.


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