Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Back to School

Ughhh! I didn't want the break to end. I was in serious denial on New Year's Day. When my alarm went off this morning I had to resist the urge to hit the snooze.

The first day back after the Christmas break is interesting in a school. All the kids are sporting new clothes, new sneakers, and new hairdos. Teachers look rested, and everyone talks about starting a diet and complains about how much they overate during the break.

One of the kids I counsel got a grill for Christmas. Gold plate and cubic zirconia, gotta love it. The thing actually looked uncomfortable. He insisted on wearing it during our counseling session. I should have threatened him with reporting his new mushmouth to the speech and language pathologist, but I was getting too much of a kick out of watching him try to talk. If this kid ever knew what braces felt like, he probably wouldn't bother putting that thing in his mouth. But he's young, what else could I expect?


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