Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Professional Development

Since today is Election Day, school was closed. But instead of a day off, I had to attend professional development with millions of other educators across the nation. My school isn't used as an election site because of the proximity of other schools, but nonetheless all schools were closed. My professional development was on writing better IEPs. This has to be the 4th or 5th time this has been the topic. There are a few things that I have learned each time, and the trainings have helped shape how I think about IEPs. The unfortunate thing is that many of my colleagues i.e., school psychologists, social workers, speech and language pathologists and special education teachers, have been writing IEPs for years and they don't like it when methods or philosophies change. Everything is electronic now and IEPs are rarely handwritten, except in the most Luddite school districts. My more seasoned colleagues mourn for the days they could write out their IEPs. I think they should get over it and move on. I'm glad that I never had to learn the antiquated way. I don't have anything to unlearn.


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