Friday, November 07, 2008

The Obama Effect

I wore my Obama t-shirt to school today. I was waiting until Dress Down Friday so that I wouldn't feel underdressed. My school has been buzzing about the election ever since Wednesday morning. When I arrived Wednesday, most of the children were holding newspapers, flipping through them and discussing the election. Kindergartners to sixth graders were talking about a presidential election. When was the last time that happened? It was nice to finally see validation of this multicultural society that we always talk about. We finally elected a leader that resembles the diversity that makes this country special. My school's population is about 75% Black and Latino. These students witnessed something that was unthinkable a couple of years ago, and now they will remember this for the rest of their lives. This is something they will tell their children about. Our students felt included in the moment because my school held a mock election, in which Obama won by a landslide.

Everything has felt better during the last few days. Everyone seems happier, there are more positive thoughts and fewer complaints. It's been nice. I wonder how it will affect the students in the long run. I wonder how many will change their outlook on life. It would seem that anyone could believe that now anything is possible. I guess we'll have to see.


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