Thursday, September 17, 2009

Big Brother

I had a department meeting today. My supervisor told everyone about some changes. The one change that had everyone in an uproar was this log that we have to complete whenever we leave our buildings. At first, everyone was okay with it. We all thought it was wise to keep track of when we are at meetings in other buildings, doing outside evaluations or attending to personal business for a long period of time. But then we found out that we have to log in and out if we leave our buildings for lunch. What?? People were outraged. Why is the district keeping tabs on our whereabouts at all times? I knew the answer. The support staff at the high school have been abusing their lunch breaks. The high school is large and no one keeps track of the staff and their attendance during the day. They don't have to sign out of their building, so they come and go as they please. When I worked as an intern, I witnessed people coming in hours after school had started, leaving for hours at a time to do personal business during the day, and just being away without anyone knowing where they were or when they were returning. I'm sure there were some crises that happened at the high school and there were support staff that were unaccounted for. My supervisor said that he created the log so that when he gets phone calls about his staff, he knows where they are. So basically, because a few people abused the freedom to leave the building, everyone has to suffer. Isn't that the moral of education reform? Because of some bad practices in the past, the remedy goes completely overboard and inconveniences everyone.


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