Tuesday, March 10, 2009

IQ and Older Fathers

Today's New York Times had an article about the IQs of children of older fathers. Older fathers have children with lower IQs when tested in different cognitive areas, including fluid reasoning, memory, and motor skills. When I see studies like that I often wonder who did the testing and what test did they use. According to the news article, the information was gathered from 50,000 mothers who attended 12 clinics from the years 1959 to 1965. Whatever test was used, it must have been the earliest edition. Interestingly, an older father's detriment to IQ seems to be biological, while an older mother's asset to IQ seems to be environmental. Older mothers are more nurturing and have the economic means to provide more enrichment. The article mentioned the age range of the the fathers and mothers in the story. They had participants as young as 12 and 14! A teenage birth in the 60's had to be controversial.


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