Friday, March 02, 2007

Dreaming About Work

For the first time I had a dream about work. It started with me working on an evaluation of a child that will likely qualify as Intellectually Disabled (ID) and a mother who is resistant to that label. Everyone on the team knows the history and knows that the mom doesn't want this label. I've been working on building a solid case for having this child properly labeled. He's in middle school and is currently labeled ADHD. I'll admit there is some evidence of attention problems but the child is having all sorts of difficulties. I think his current IEP has close to 10 academic goals alone!

I've been thinking about this for a while because I accepted the challenge of pushing for appropriate services and diagnosis for the child. I just feel that the mother thinks that her child just needs intense instruction and that he's easily distracted. It's so much more than that.

So I was working on scoring adaptive scales before I went to sleep, then I dreamed about the upcoming meeting, and then woke up and continued to think about it. I'll be glad when its over. After checking his records today, I found that a neuropsychologist had made a similar diagnosis years ago, so I know that another qualified person tried to approach the diagnosis. Maybe I could use that to my advantage.


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